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UV curing lamp is not a UV lamp?

Click:[553] Publish Time:2022-11-01

  UV curing lamp

  UV curing lamps used in the industry are now divided into two types, one is the traditional UV lamp type of mercury lamp, the second is the LED chip bead type of UV curing lamp. Both UV curing lamps rely on the release of ultraviolet radiation light source to UV coatings for light curing. 

  UV curing lamp is not a UV lamp?  

  UV curing lamp belongs to the ultraviolet lamp, whether it is a traditional mercury lamp or UVLED lamp belong to the ultraviolet lamp.  

  UVLED curing lamp is the transmission band ultraviolet 

  UVLED curing lamp lamp beads are generally a combination of chips of LED laminated lamp beads, UJIT UV lamp beads are imported. Imported lamp beads plus copper substrate and water-cooled circulation system structure of the irradiation head is more conducive to cooling. This is a cold light source of UVLED curing lamp plus rapid water cooling system, the UV lamp temperature can be effectively controlled in the range of benign work.  

  Traditional UV lamp type UV curing lamp is the release of broad-wave UV. 

  The traditional UV lamp is an early application in the market for a UV lamp, belonging to the mercury lamp type UV lamp releases a broad band radiation light source, UV coatings will be quickly light curing this UV mercury lamp in the light solid substrate will produce a high temperature. To prevent damage caused by high temperature, only air-cooled direct heat dissipation, which is compared to the UVLED curing lamp equipment water-cooled direct heat dissipation, its temperature control ability is poor. Long hours will not be able to effectively control the temperature and must not stop working. 

  As for the UV curing lamp is not a UV lamp, I feel that there is not much need to explore. Since it is a UV type curing lamp, the principle is to release UV band to light curing of the paint. UV band is both UV band.